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Join the blinking cursor club!

The purpose of our writing accountability group (WAG! see, everything connects back to dogs) is to provide everyone with writing buddies, sounding boards, prompts, challenges and most importantly social pressure and guilt-tripping on a regular basis! 


The WAG runs on a (very small) mailing list dedicated to members sharing daily-ish short snippets with each other. Those snippets can be in response to prompts, round robins, word challenges etc., or they can be part of each WAGer's WIPs, as long as they range from about 50-250 words. Everyone is encouraged to share a bit of writing daily, and participate in ensuing conversation. 


Note: the WAG isn't a critique group! It's not meant to replace your beta-readers or editors. We're just here to provide a gentle nudge to all of us procrastinators, and a bit of immediate feedback to those of us who need it to keep motivated. 


So, do you feel like you could benefit from daily(ish) very short prompts and challenges? Would it make you write more/faster if you could share 1-2 paragraphs every day with a small responsive audience? Then this WAG may be for you! Contact me here.  


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