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I'm not affiliated with any of the below & not responsible for their content; but I've found these sites helpful for writing / submitting / publishing, and often fun to read


General Resources


The Submission Grinder - a free repository for writing magazines, with a fantastic search function (separated by fiction and poetry; i wish they had a nonfiction version of this but haven't found one yet), up-to-date entries, and helpful stats for every magazine. If you make an account, you can log and track  your submissions. I encourage everyone to use and support The Grinder; it's an invaluable resource for short-form writers. 

​ - I don't use this as much but it lists SFF markets (similar to the Grinder, but genre-focused), along with general writing and market resources. I find Ralan harder to navigate  to its interface, but it has vast & useful info - and is also generously made available for free


The Slushpile Avalanche - Suzanne Vincent, editor-in-chief at Flash Fiction Online, blogs about good practices, tips, pitfalls and more things to consider when writing & submitting short fiction (especially flash). I think her blog moved to the FFO blog, but the archives here still hold extremely good advice (and I love the funny snark)


Jason Sanford's Genre Grapevine: a great, insightful resource for recent SF&F news & opportunities. This is freely available to the public, but you can support Jason's Patreon for other fiction & journalistic content


Publishers Weekly - I use this for occasional news from the publishing world; more focused on long-form writing, but still an informative site. Uhm unclear whether you need a subscription or not


Publishing Industry Resources Doc - kindly provided compendium of various resources for long-form publishing


Literaticat blog - literary agent Jennifer Laughran has an open askbox for questions on novel publishing, querying etc. (with a focus on childrens/YA); this is such an informative resource, and full of humor as well


Quick Sip Reviews - Charles Payseur's kind & insightful review blog contains regular reviews of wonderful short fiction. I frequently find new faves through this site. I don't think he'll be doing it much longer before moving onto new projects, but hopefully the archive will stay up for everyone's enjoyment. 

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